Childbirth of the cat, a moment in the life of our animal that requires very little of us as masters. The feline mother, even more than the "dog" mother, does it by herself and we just have to prepare the basket or box where she will give birth. Let's choose a suitable size that will allow it to enter effortlessly but at the same time keep under control the kittens who may want to escape.
Lipoma in dogs, usually appears in elderly dogs but let's prepare for the eventuality so as not to make a drama out of it but not to underestimate this situation. I state that it is nothing tragic, it can be removed and the animal is not significantly marked by the intervention to be carried out.
Corn starch, alternative uses: what it is used for in the kitchen and how to use it for body and hair care. All uses of corn starch. Corn starch, what it is Corn starch or cornstarch is the starch extracted from maize (corn). Corn starch is produced from the endosperm of corn.
Every year studies are carried out on the use that society makes of mobile phones, and the conclusion is always the same: people's mobile phone addiction increases progressively. These studies analyze the how, when and how much of mobile use. In addition, they all agree on one thing: children start to use the mobile earlier each time.
Chocolate and dogs, bad idea, this association of ideas because in fact it is not a food suitable for animals, especially the canine species. Obviously it is not a problem of diet or gluttony, God forbid, it is that the theobromine, contained in cocoa in variable percentages depending on the type of chocolate we buy, is harmful for the dog beyond a certain threshold and it is not easy to establish which is from time to time this threshold.
Social phobia, even if it is said that man is a social animal, it may be that something gets stuck inside, due to external factors but also not, and a person begins to fail to relate naturally with others. What happens? And above all, how to act to return to being social animals?