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Pet dogs

Pet dogs

Companion dogs, no one more than them must be faithful and meek, affectionate and full of attention towards the owner and the whole family. Not only that: they are often animals that find themselves living in an apartment. It does not always happen the house, or the "super palace": therefore pet dogs must be able and able to stay with discrete composure in the rooms.

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How to include seaweed in your daily food

Seaweed is also known as sea vegetables. It is a food that is more typical of Asian cultures where it has been consumed for centuries for its properties and benefits.Its diversity of minerals and vitamins such as A, B, C, D3, E and K make it a very interesting superfood to incorporate into the daily diet.
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Why Some Tropical Fish Are Getting More Colorful

They say that new generations always improve on their predecessors. At least this is what happens with different species of Pterophyllum scalare - better known as scalar fish or angelfish - that produce hybrid offspring even more colorful than their parents. Some coral reef fish, such as several species of scalar fish or angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare), are capable of producing hybrid offspring with even more striking colors than their parents, since the eggs of one species and the sperm of another are combined.
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5 proven benefits of choosing organic products

Have you ever stood in the produce section wondering what all the hype is about organic produce? Well, you are not alone. Although organic fruits and vegetables have been around for a while, many people are still unaware of the benefits of buying organic food.
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Eating organic can lower your glyphosate levels in just six days

Changing your diet could quickly lower levels of glyphosate, a potentially harmful herbicide for your body Switching from a diet of conventionally grown foods to an all-organic diet dramatically lowers glyphosate levels in your body in just six days, according to a new study by scientists Friends of the Earth, an environmental advocacy group.
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What are the best pet care

Having a pet is a commitment in which a series of responsibilities are acquired. From that moment, a living being depends on its caregiver and its quality of life will be linked to the care that it provides. Although each animal is unique, there is a series of general basic care that must be provided for it to have a dignified, full and healthy life.
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Solar panels are starting to become a toxic garbage problem

Solar panels are an increasingly important source of renewable energy that will play an essential role in the fight against climate change. They're also complex pieces of technology that turn into big, bulky pieces of e-waste at the end of their lives, and right now, most of the world doesn't have a plan for dealing with that.
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Solar storm threat: are we prepared for a new catastrophe?

This is not science fiction, scientists warn that there is a 50 chance that a huge solar storm will hit the Earth. Its effects would be very serious: it would leave us without electricity and technology and it would damage our health. But we can prepare for it. Is it time to create the Ministry of Black Swans?
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Is it possible to cook cucumber? yes, grilled recipe

There is nothing as easy and quick as making these grilled cucumbers drizzled with olive oil and well seasoned. Grilled cucumbers are a good healthy snack and can also serve as a garnish for other dishes. Ingredients1 cucumber Provencal herbs or those that want: rosemary, garlic, thyme, oregano, basil ... olive oil PreparationPeel and cut the cucumber into slices that are more or less thick Season the cucumber with a little salt and Provencal herbs, on both sides.
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Why you shouldn't kill mosquitoes in the bathroom

Who has never encountered those mosquitoes that like to visit the bathrooms? Yes, they are attracted to this place in the house, because it is there where they find organic matter to feed themselves.This small insect, in addition to being very discreet (silent) and sensitive (fragile), is harmless and does not represent a risk to human health .
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5 myths and misunderstandings about astrology

Astrology can be a complex subject, with ardent followers and equally ardent detractors. As an astrologer, you quickly get used to people dismissing your topic out of hand. After all, it's nonsense, right? And there are 13 signs, anyway, not 12. And it is ridiculous to claim that planets millions or even billions of miles away are making us act a certain way.
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How are the oceans polluted?

Most of the pollutants that reach the ocean floor are caused by human activities. Millions of tons of waste a year reach the oceans. But where do so many pollutants come from? Most of the time, the garbage that is thrown in the street ends up on the beaches, and the waves carry them out to sea with the rising waves.
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Vitamin B6 deficiency, a hidden enemy

Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, helps the body carry out more than 150 enzymatic reactions. These allow your body to process proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in your diet. Furthermore, vitamin B6 plays a very important role in helping with the function of the nervous and immune systems.
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World record: 54 degrees in Death Valley

The thermometer reached 54.4 degrees Celsius in Death Valley National Park in California, which would be the record temperature record, in history on Earth since at least 1913. The preliminary reading, which was 54 degrees celsius, is now in the process of official verification.
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A massive and symbolic embrace of the Paraná River against the fires in the Delta islands

Groups of environmentalists carried out a caravan between Santa Fe and Entre Ríos on Sunday. More than 350 boats participated in the protest. At noon on Sunday, more than 350 boats staged a symbolic hug to the Paraná River to express their rejection of the burning on the islands and in favor of a wetlands law that could provide control tools and sanctions on these fires that are devastating the delta.
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